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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Former World Champion Hagar Finer Returns in Exhibition Bout

Former world champion Hagar Finer returned to the ring today for the first time since 2012. The 39 year old Israeli fought Jade Smith of Sheffield, England in an exhibition bout at the Camden Boxing Club. The event was put on by Gloves & Doves, which promotes peace and coexistence in the Middle East through boxing.

In the contest, Finer pressed forward with effective combinations against her less experienced foe. It was a spirited exhibition to further a worthy message.

Initially, the event was to be held at a concert hall, but according to one source, the venue had to be changed because the concert hall allegedly wouldn't permit Israeli boxers to fight. If true, the concert hall's decision would be nothing less than short-sighted and asinine. Nationals should never be barred because of the actions of their government, especially since this show was intended to spread the message of peace in the Middle East.

This event marks the second successful show run by Gloves & Doves in the past two weeks. On April 26, Adham Kayouf and Vladimir Dedakov engaged in a highly-skilled duel when they headlined an excellent amateur show in Isfiyah, Israel.

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